Monday, July 27, 2009

Time for a Summer Art Class!

I know, I know! It's not time for school yet, but I have been asked to offer a drawing class that focuses on drawing in a nature journal, so I am going to try something different for this summer course. On Tuesday, August 18 through Friday, August 21, I will be offering an "art camp" from 9:30-11:00 a.m. each day meeting at Alpine Park at the shelter just north of the playground. The class will be for 4th grade and up (parents too!). We will be using found objects from nature as the focus of our drawings, learning to make quick sketches, diagrammatic drawings, and detailed drawings using a variety of techniques. If there is sufficient interest, I will open up a second section from 11:00-12:30.

I may cancel classes if less than 5 students enroll per class. If you would like your child to attend classes, please print out the registration form below and mail it to me with your payment. You will not be registered until payment is received.

Class supply list:
  • A spiral bound sketchpad, at least 8-1/2 x 11".
  • 2H, HB and 4B pencils
  • Ink pen
  • Colored pencils
  • Ruler (18" would be best, but 12" is ok)
  • Eraser
  • Bag for carrying materials
  • Optional: A large drawing clip board for paper, magnifying glass, containers for keeping found objects, long pants (you may spend some time sitting on the ground).

Refunds will not be given for classes missed.

Art Class Registration Form

Please fill out a form for each student attending. Please print.

Tuesday, August 18 through Friday, August 21, "art camp" from 9:30-11:00 a.m. each day meeting at Alpine Park at the shelter just north of the playground. The class will be for 4th grade and up (parents too!).

Student Name__________________________________



Phone_____________________________ Cell Phone________________________

E-Mail Address_____________________________________________________________

Parent or Guardian_______________________________________________________________

If another parent is to be responsible for your child, please list that name here.______________________________________________

Emergency contact phone # during classes______________________________________________________

Medical or Allergy Considerations________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Additional information you would like me to know:

I hereby give permission for my child to participate in this art class. I expect that the teacher will take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of my child and absolve the teacher from liability for any accident or illness that might occur in the classroom.

In case of a medical emergency, if I cannot be reached, the teacher has my permission to act on my behalf to obtain emergency treatment for my son/daughter by any recognized hospital or doctor.
Parent's signature______________________________________________________

Fee enclosed:

___ $25

Please make checks payable to Joni Lownsdale. Thank you.

Please send to Joni Lownsdale, 5589 Guilford Road, Rockford, IL 61107. Questions? Call me at 815-229-2559 or email me at

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Still room for a few more!

Art classes begin tomorrow, but I still have a few openings. If anyone is still interested, just print out the registration (see below in earlier post) and bring it with you to class this week.

Questions? give me a call at 815-229-2559.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Time for another Art Class!

Once Easter and Spring Breaks are past, I know you will all be back to school again! I hope some of you will include an art class in your plans. Thank you to those who have taken classes with me in the past and have passed on my class info to others. I hope you found the classes useful and fun.

I am trying to make it easier for interested families to learn more about my classes. I am in the process of building a blog that people can visit to find out more about me and the classes I offer. It will also be a place to leave feedback about your experiences. The address for that blog will be .

The next class I would like to offer is a Freehand Portraiture/Right Brain Training Drawing class. What does this mean? I will be going through some exercises with your children to help them learn to see as an artist. They will also be learning how to draw faces, both from frontal and profile perspectives. The class will meet once a week for 5 weeks. Classes will begin with a review of the previous week's work, then move on to in-class demonstration and drawing, with homework being the adding of detail to the work we have done in class.

Class will begin on Thursday, April 16 from 12:15-1:45 p.m. for 3rd grade-5th grade students and continue each Thursday at that time through May 14. Grades 6 through high school will meet on Fridays at 11:00-12:30 beginning Friday, April 17 through Friday May 15. Parents may also sign up for the class.

I am limiting class size to 10 students per session. I may cancel classes if less than 4 students enroll per class. If you would like your child to attend classes, please print out the registration form below and mail it to me with your payment. You will not be registered until payment is received.

Classes will meet at 5589 Guilford Road. Please feel free to fill up my driveway, and to park on the right side of the drive if necessary. You may also park in my neighbor's driveway, 5609 Guilford Road, located one house east of my home. Classes are held in the lower level of my home, reached by following the sidewalk around the garage, down the stairs and entering through the door below the deck.

Class supply list:
  • 12"x18" standard or similar size (thick, white, plain) sketchpad.
  • 2H, HB and 4B pencils
  • Ruler (18" would be best, but 12" is ok)
  • Eraser
  • Optional: A large drawing clip board for paper
  • A mirror large enough for the student to view their entire face when positioned in front of them on the table (If you don't have one with a stand, we can lean it up against some books)

Refunds will not be given for classes missed, though there may be opportunity for make-up sessions.

Art Class Registration Form

Please fill out a form for each student attending. Please print.

Class will begin on Thursday, April 16 from 12:15-1:45 p.m. for 3rd grade-5th grade students and continue each Thursday at that time through May 14. Grades 6 through high school will meet on Fridays at 11:00-12:30 beginning Friday, April 17 through Friday May 15. Parents may also sign up for the class.

Please circle the class you are enrolling in: Thursday Session or Friday Session each week.

Student Name__________________________________



Phone_____________________________ Cell Phone________________________

E-Mail Address_____________________________________________________________

Parent or Guardian_______________________________________________________________

There is a waiting area available (with wifi) for parents and non-participating children. Children in 5th grade and higher may be dropped off for the class. Younger children (age 8 and up) may be left if another adult known to their parents volunteers to serve as class helper and be responsible for them. If another parent is to be responsible for your child, please list that name here.______________________________________________

Emergency contact phone # during classes______________________________________________________

Medical or Allergy Considerations________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Additional information you would like me to know:

I hereby give permission for my child to participate in this art class. I expect that the teacher will take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of my child and absolve the teacher from liability for any accident or illness that might occur in the classroom.

In case of a medical emergency, if I cannot be reached, the teacher has my permission to act on my behalf to obtain emergency treatment for my son/daughter by any recognized hospital or doctor.
Parent's signature______________________________________________________

Fee enclosed:

___ $30 ($6 per session)

Please make checks payable to Joni Lownsdale. Thank you.

Please send to Joni Lownsdale, 5589 Guilford Road, Rockford, IL 61107. Questions? Call me at 815-229-2559 or email me at Or take a look at my blog at